08-03-04 . 5:43 pm

Okay, here's a pointless tip to all of you.

When you are helping your mother clean out her office, and you find bank recipts from 1988- from, by the way, a bank that no longer exists, its time to worry.

It's at times like that when you realize that in twenty years when your mother is living in some tiny house in the middle of nowhere by herself, that you are in trouble.

Deep trouble.

Because she will die, and YOU will get the precious little task of going through all her worthless crap.

Today was just breifing.

It was so...disgusting.

And, let me also tell you, when you decide you don't want to display the vase with the plant in it anymore, you are supposed to take the plant out of the stupid green bowl before you shove it into a drawer.

Also, I got a lovely string of lights- which are still pretty cool in a DisneyLand kinda way- that my mom used when she threw a party.

In college.

And then I found her Senior yearbook.

Man. The 70's were sooooo not a pretty time period.

And there was some kid named Charmie. Who the fuck names their little girl Charmie?

So....Yeah. That's what I've been doing all day. It's gross. And slightly appauling.

Well. Entirely appauling.

God. I have to go.

*More to Clean!*

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