08-01-04 . 10:12 pm

May I please just point out that there is something very seriously wrong with me?

You know, not that that's new news or anything. But a fact that really does deserve to be repeated, I think...

And, no, I'm really not sure what provoked me to say that.

Though I suppose that just proves my point, really....

Anyway back to my absolutely-non-fascinating life. ((Once again, I am forced to wonder why anyone at all reads this peice of crap, but, hey, whatever makes you happy...I guess...Unless you're that stalker guy...Then you can really just leave. Really. Like now. Go away.))

So went off with mater.

Got three CDs. Old Stray Cats. New Reverand Horton Heat. Prehistoric Misfits.

And this moths copy of AP.

God. What a worthless peice of shit. Not even an article about Lars Frederiksen and how he just got his learner's permit could save it.

Can I just say that I just do not give a fuck about all these lame emo bands? I do not buy that magazine to read articles about the life experiences about whiny little emo kids with bad haircuts. I'm sure there are other places I could go for that. Like, you know, well, Diaryland.

This place draws the attraction (does that make sense? No. Well, whatever- I'm bored- get over it) for all these kids who...Well. You know, nevermind.

I'm just not even gonna go into that.

Because I'm sure there's someone (more than one, I assure you) out there saying "God, did you read that Hamletwildie girl's diary? What a fucking loser!".

Except that they will say Hamlet Wildie. Like everyone else does.

Which, hello, makes no sense.

It's Hamlet Will Die, people. They just didn't give me enough space.

God. What the fuck am I talking about?

Why are you still here?

Well....You're probably not anymore...I would have left all ready....

Oh wait...I already did....

The Changeling
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