07-31-04 . 9:55 pm

To say that I do not like my family, would be an understatement.

To say that they feel the same way, would also be an understatement.

I suppose you could also say that I do not fit in with them whatsoever.

I cannot sit at the stupid dinner table and talk about all of my fabulous accomplishments. Do you know why?

Because I don't have any.

My parents can't talk about how proud they are of me.

Because the aren't.

Did you know that my cousin, who is a twelve year old woner-child, wants to be an orthodontist when he grows up???

What fucking twelve year old wants to go into orthodontury?????

It's so insane.

All anyone ever said to me was to ask why I quite horse back riding.

Like it was any of their business.

So I just sat there and didn't say anything to anyone.

And all I ate was broccoli.

It sucked.

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