07-28-04 . 6:21 pm

Sorry I haven't updated in, oh say, a few days maybe.

(And, yeah, considering that I typically update more than once a freakin day, that's a long time).

I'm now volunteering at Kid's Art Camp for eight hours a day. It's almost really fun.

Almost, being a very key phrase.

Anyway. So then last night I spent at my friend Milena's house. We went to the movies (Anchorman- funny, despite myself), watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show back at her place, and I learned something possibly important.

I am only mentally capable of playing guitar left handed.

Which is awkward. To say the least.

So when I was fucking around on her guitar, I just did everything backwards.

Also awkward.

But, yet. My life is very dull right now.

Oh well.

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