07-26-04 . 5:35 pm

Today my mom told me she should have named me Lola.

That says a lot, really.

And I'm not quite sure what provoked it either...I'm the least Lola-type person I know.

Granted, I have no idea what the guidelines for a Lola-Type would be, but I'm positve that I do not fill them.

Anyway. I'm just typing this to aviod the phone call I have to make. I have phone-phobia. Seriously.

I just do not like making phone calls.

Only this one seems particularly daunting because I have to tell this very nice lady, Suzie, who owns the horse I was forced into riding for ever, that I don't want to ride him anymore.

Which really sucks.

Ugh. I hate writing about horses....

Actually....I hate thinking about horses....

So. Here we are. Ms. Procrastinate.

God. I don't know what's up with my mom today. She just walks into the house and makes it feel like something really aweful has just happened...Or that I did something aweful....Which I didn't, mind you.


Sorry to just ramble like this. I recall actually having something to say on here....But, hey, like I would ever remember what it was.

Oh yeah. I want to put a picture of myself on here somewhere. That, of course, would mean finding a picture of myself that wasn't painfully unattractive. And the chances of that are...Well. Slim would be an understatement. Sorry, guys.

Yeah, yeah. I know.

Shut up.

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