07-26-04 . 3:44 pm


Today I did nothing.


Except for raiding my father's CD collection (to no avail...Strangely enough, no matter how many times I look, good records just never seem to magically appear...Damn) and raiding my mother's closet for old clothes. And then looking through her jewelry. And playing with my hair.

All of it, needless to say, was alltogether futile.

I found no CDs, no clothes, no jewelry, and no new hairstyles.

I swear to god, if I do not straighten my hair soon....Well. It'll be bad.

My hair is boring with a capitol Not-Very-Attractive.

However, on the possibly plus side, I do get to go back and keep volunteering at the Art Camp. (I haven't yet quite decided whether or not this is a good thing).

Ugh. I am so bored.



I'll just stop right now, I guess.

The only thing I could possibly accomplish today is going to go get the CDs I, uh, 'earned' through going through every one of my mother's zip disks dating from 1996 to the present day.

That was utterly frightening.

Should any of your parents consider going into the feild of Graphic Design, I strongly suggest you dissuade them. For your own sanity.

Trust me on this one.

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