07-20-04 . 5:53 pm

Oh, I am a happy kitty.

Seriously. I was about to come and right about how the whole world sucks, but the combination of my beautious new custom template by Sarah and Sarah Designs, and a new Tiger Army CD, the whole world seems better.

Well. From a very tunnel-perspective.

Because I still do hate horse back riding. And I hate riding English. And I hate stupid PV people.

But I do like Tiger Army. And currently they're just making everything better, so I can't complain.


I could. But I'll try not to....


On the more pointless side of things, I think I shall break something (preferrably something that's not mine) if I hear one more person inserting the word "spork" into conversations and thinking themselves just terribly, terribly random and clever and original.

Come on, people.

To be clever and original, one must use words that no one else ever uses....Like circumnambulate....Or defenistration...Or sepulchre....

Oh fuck. Just forget about it.

Ignore the idiot trying to rant about sporks.

I am so hopeless.


Yes, okay. Shutting up.


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