06-21-04 . 7:28 pm


I've been cleaning my room (what the fuck? Me? Cleaning???). And, obviously, listening to The Clash. Obvious only because I refuse to clean to anything but the Clash.

Thus far, I have aquired several rather large collections of safety pins, thumbtacks, childhood photographs, bobby pins, empty film canasters, paper clips, shoe laces, makeup wedges, colored pencils, glow sticks (???), old nail polish bottles, and socks.

Oh the treasures one discovers....

And now, actually looking at my room, it is remarkably dull. And doesn't say shit about me. It's all reeeeeally bright colors....And useless crap....Did I say crap? I meant treasured posessions....

My cat is sitting in the highest shelf....of my closet.....Hmmmm....How did little-one-eye-fat-cat get up there. The stupid thing can't even walk a straight line....

Then again, neither can I.

Now she's trying to eat my Home Grocer magnet. You know, the ones they used to mail out all the time.

I hate animals.

She's better than Albert a.k.a Meatloaf-on-legs the other other cat. He has serious mental problems....

He talks to his legs for example. And one time I walked into my bedroom and he was meow-ing very loud...Whilst smashing his cranium into my chest of drawers....At least he doesn't pee in the stove....

Okay, I hate my animals.

God. Cleaning sucks....But my mom has a thing about "coming home to a clean house". I, of course, really don't give a fuck. But she's still threatening psychopath mode...So what she says goes. At the moment.


Things are very dull. Even The Clash has failed to make things more interesting....What can I put on? Hmmmmm.....

Oh well. I guess I'll just live with "Somebody Got Murdered" at the moment....


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