06-19-04 . 6:17 pm

I am very tired. My horse decided that today was 'lick Elizabeth everywhere that was very inconveniant for her' day. My shoulderblade, for example, is covered in horse drool.

Ah, sigh.

And now, I shall copy a passage from the book I am reading right now. Personally, I think it says quite a lot about me as a person. Though I can't quite grasp why.

Oh well.

Here you go:

SARGON: The time hangs greasy on my fingers. Pirate captains, stir yourselves, and provide me some amusement. What games and sports have you planned to divert me on this journey?

FRED: Master, if it should please you, Captain Ted is prepared to do single combat with a giant terrestrial shrimp of Noftis, and having vanquished the beast, we can roll it in breaded bean sprouts, deep fry it, and eat it with vinegar and garlic.

SARGON: We did that last night. What new sports have you devised, my captains?

ED: Seperior one, if you desire it, I can sing a song in which I extoll the virtues of all one undred and six varieties of heartburn.

SARGON: That song again! Are you trying to make me mad? I warn you- don't get me mad!

TED, NED, ED, FRED: Master of everything. Please, please don't get mad! We beg you, spare us that disgusting sepctacle!

SARGON: All right. I'm under control for the moment- but you'd better come up with something pretty amusing, and quick!

TED: Oh great one! This great one! Oh hee hee, I can hardly refrain from laughing just thinking about this fantastic stunt. Now listen to this- all four of us pirate captains will push raisins on the floor- with our noses! Wouldn't you enjoy seeing such a preposterous sight?

SARGON: That does it! You will all die. Steward! Prepare the deep fryer for these witless buffoons.

And that, my friends, is why Daniel Pinkwater is a fucking genious.

Now, if you will excuse me. I think I must go have some more alone time with M. Shadows...Heh heh heh.

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