06-18-04 . 2:05 pm

Well. Both Gumbi and ElChelso-osity decided to add entries right now...So I'll join the club! Woo-hoo...


Today promises to be revoltingly dull (again). Hmmm...Let's see. My parents are at the passports office and at three o'clock I get to go to the orthodontist.

Where I can assure you that I will be yelled out for having a broken bracket. And hopefully I won't get that one girl with the Davey fetish again.

Oh sigh. Yeah, she was "fixing" my braces and starts talking about how she met Davey Havok at Melrose (which is cool...But I was more concerned about getting the fuck out of there). She ended up getting so excited about it, her hand slipped and she broke two brackets and I ended up having to stay there with the Brcaes-Nazi for twoce as long...

Last night I watched the 100 greatest artists in hard rock...It kind of pissed me off. Considering that they were mostly death metal/regular metal/classic metal/industrial metal bands. And the only three good ones (of the punk genre)were within the space of #20-#10. You know who I'm talking about. The three greats.

(And if you don't...I'm not going to fucking tell you).

Anyway....I had a dream last night that my best friend had a mohawk (Milena). It was red at the bottom and yellow on top. And she had a nose ring, and eyebrow ring, and a lip ring. It was cool. She looked really pretty.

Which is irriating because it just proves that she could look pretty in anything...including a yellow mohawk and an eyebrow ring.


I need to find some money....You know what I mean. I think I have about eight dollars to my name at the moment. And condsidering that there are approximately nine albums I must own before I leave....(Sigh again).

Well. That was it.

I think I'm just going to go steal more quizzes from Sarah and add them to my extras page like I did yesterday...Yeah. That sounds good.

Anyway. Once again- if you are reading this, you have to go to my archives page and tell me what some of your favorite entries are...I won't re-explain why...Just do it please.


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