06-17-04 . 8:04 pm

You are the Bassist, sweet, You always have an
opinion about something, but don't always voice
it, when trouble strikes you back up your
friends no matter what, you are usually the one
keeping everyone in sync, and you like
attention, but not all the time

What Instrument would you play in a Rock band?
brought to you by Quizilla S.T.U.N. guys
You have a fetish for punk guys, who may have black
'emo kid' glasses! He's most likely in a band
and writes his own music. He's really, really
into the punk scene. The 'real' punk scene.

(Girls) What's your fetish? with pix!
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Hey you crazy punk! Get away from there! Hey... if
you don't already listen to these bands, check
them out... Misfits, Crass, Sex Pistols,
Ramones, old Rancid, Operation Ivy (for ska
fans), bad religion, old AFI, the Buzzcocks,
TSOL, or the Casualties.

What bands should you be listening to? with pix
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This is Halloween
(Ack, sorry for the crappy picture) Hey, the first
song of the movie! This song is usually the
theme song for the movie, too. "This is
Halloween" is about the joys of Halloween!
Yay! Although Jack has no lines, he does make a
hell of an entrance! "In this town we call home, Everyone hail to the Pumpkin Song"

Which Nightmare Before Christmas Song do you REALLY like the most?
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These Guys
You are these guys. I'm not sure why. I would say
that in general people are frightened of you,
but that's what you're here for, right?

Which character from The Nightmare Before Christmas (AKA the coolest movie in the whole world) are you?
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Brody Armstrong
You are Brody Armstrong! Lead singer of the punk group the distillers you dont take shit from anyone

What Chick Rock star are you?
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Horror PunK!
Horror Punk! Tho often mistaken for a goth, you're heart is in
punk. You just have a more fun approach to it.
Makeup, leather, studs & spikes, and a
halloween is everyday attitude, make you a fun
person to be around! Bands of this genre are
most commonly the Misfits, and related bands.
Check out for a
great Northwest band!

What type of punk are you?
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You are Level II Angsty: Cynical. You've lost all
faith in humanity. You believe man is
inherently evil but you've chosen to laugh
instead of sorrow over this. Your sarcasm could
someday anger someone dangerous, so watch out.

What Kind of Angsty are You?
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YEAH!!! YOUR DEFINETLY A NOFX FAN!!! You knew the lyrics! Which means you are one of two
things: 1)a die hard NOFX fan, or, 2) a really
good guesser/cheater! You rock!

NOFX Lyrics Quiz(I dont care if YOU dont like them)
brought to you by Quizilla Well, that's nice...but NoFX are hardly the kings of punk....Not even the kings of political punk...sigh...These people are hopeless.

You are Hamlet! You are depressed and very

Which character from Hamlet are you?
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