06-10-04 . 6:11 pm

You know what sucks?

When your PE teacher makes you run and touch the fucking fence because you were "disturbing"



I don't even know what I DID that was so particualrly disturbing

But it's not like I actually ran or anything, so I guess it doesn't really matter....

But, besides that, today had it' ups.

And do you know why?

Because it was the last full day of classes. EVER. My last day of classes in this hellhole.

And tomorrow we have the picnic thingy.

I have devised the perfect outfit. Using, of course, the unbeatable color scheme of black, red, and white only.

Oh sigh...

Funny- once diaryland actually let's me on, I don't have to much to say.

Except that the stupid principal took away my CD player (with my Transplants CD in it!) because it was "against school policy".


What fucking harm does it do if I listen to it at lunch???

And then the counsler (after looking at my clothes) flat out refused to beleive that I was actually graduating.

Gee thanks.

But I ended up going in her office after school and taking it back.

Oh sigh.

I have to remember that CD for you tomorrow Chelsea.

((Rhiannon if you are reading this, go to Chelsea's diary because the hell test is there))


"...Shhhhh....I'm trying to have alone time with Davey...."

"Yeah! She had alone time with SEVEN GUYS this morning!"

"Yes. Davey, Jade, Adam, Hunter, Tim, Travis, and Rob."

((Blank stares from everyone))

Hell. Maybe I am a little disturbing.

Or at least disturbed.

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