06-07-04 . 7:14 pm

Today was...okay.

Despite the fact that I had such a bad headache this morning that I could barely see straight and my eyes were all bloodshot (No, I was not hungover- Chelsea!). And I spent all of fourth period being severely reprimanded for the stupidity of my peers.

But, you know. Everything else was okay.

I made lots of irritating straight-edge jokes at lunch...And talked to Kendall and Johnny for about nine thousand hours on the way home...Which is weird. Kinda.

She makes me sad. Kendall. That's one girl going downill fast. I just noticed that her whole arm was covered in scratches. And most of them were fresh. She's pretty nice too.

Anyway. What else happened?

Hmm...I think I'm going to dye my hair red. Like bright screaming red. Because...Because I fucking can, dammit.

Oh yeah, and my throat hurts because today, out of extreme boredom, I was shouting self improvments at people. Like "Considerate people are aware of other's wants and feelings!!" and "Thrifty people spend their money and time wisely!"

So far, it has been highly unproductive. But the week is young.

I guess that's it.

There'll be more later, no doubt. Cause (jumps up and down with extreme happiness- I HAVE NO HOMEWORK!!!!).

Uhhhhh, yeah.


"We're a...a...Joint partnership!....Damn. That sounds like we're just smoking gays. Fuck...I hate the stock market."

From the King of Salty Cats (long story) Johnny Torres.

Oh yeah. Extra thought: You know who you're real friends are when you can discuss Sid and Nancey over dinner.

And when you describe Nancey, someone says "Fuck. No wonder he killed her."

It was pretty funny.

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