05-31-04 . 1:51 pm

I think there is something wrong with me.

Oh wait. Old news. Nevermind.

Anyway. Actually I think that this time it's nothing mental. Just physical.

I'm getting sick. Which reeeeeeeally sucks. Because I have the goddamn play all next weekend.

But, then again, I blame the play for my getting sick.


Yeah, I feel like crap.

And the prospect of next year keeps creeping up in my head- something that I am very leniant to let enter my thoughts at any time, let alone ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

I guess that as we get closer to "culmination" (I don't know why the fuck they can't just call it graduation because that's what it is), the whole world just forces you to think about the hell you'll be facing next year.

And if anything wil be hell, it will be that school.

And it also sucks that absolutely all of my friends are going to one of two schools.

And I'm not going to either.

I am going to hell.

Both, I assume, literally and figuratively.

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