05-27-04 . 7:30 pm

I don't ever want to see that again.


I thought it was gross the first time. And the next time...And the time after that....

But when you are standing backstage during a five hour rehersal (through the duration of which you are too tired to stand up straight), and you and Christian are pretending to catch and eat invisible fairies out of people's hair, and then (because it is so crowded), you end up being pushed into Jordan and Chloe.

((Woo-hoo. That was a run-on senatnce, if Iever saw one)).

Anway. I don't EVER need to see Jordan making out with her (which is gross enough in itself cause she's only a seventh grader), and her grabbing his ass.

She does this a lot, I've observed.

Which is repulsive. First off because her hand is on his ass.

And second of all, because her hand is on Jordan's ass.

Which is even grosser.

It made me feel kinda sick.

Or maybe that was just because I was completely exhausted and slightly delirious. Though slightly may be a bit of an understatement.

Anyway. Other than helping to get two idiots suspended for two days, nothing much happened.


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