05-21-04 . 6:15 pm


Boredom. Everyone else is at the dance.

Because, apperantly, I associate myself with the kind of people who go to dances (and not just to throw pastries at the popular kids like I suggested and step on Michael Suarez's feet about a hundred times). I would have expected better from all of you than to attend an entirely social event. That's just gross.

But, hey, whatever floats your boat.

Today was pretty nondescript.

You know, except that all of us were completely hyper active and wearing dress-up head peices and spinning around in circles in a "High off the Moment" kind of way.

I blame it all on the decaf coffee that Pauli gave me this morning.

Anyway. So now I'm stuck at home with absolutely nothing better to do than sit here and type this. I thought about walking down to the corner store or something- just for something to do. But I don't think I'll even bother. It's not worth it.

Actually, now that we only have eighteen days left in the school year, I am actually having urges to move my ass out of this room and go do something.

But then I remember who I am, and just remain where I am, sitting and sulking.

Woah. I think I actually will leave.

I have motivation.


Maybe it's PMS or something....

Anyway. I was gonna rant about all the kids at my school who have now decided to go purchace guitars so they can pose with them at lunch and never even fucking play.

But I think I'll just go look for an acceptable excuse to get out of the house.


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