05-18-04 . 8:20 pm

Yes, I think so.

Definitely hell.

And who knew that Hell really existed in a Catholic School in Lakewood, California?

(Besides all the dumbfucks who actually GO there...Like me....In the WAY FREAKING TOO SOON future).

Did you know that St. Jospeh's (a.k.a. The School of Perpetual Isolation) starts in MID FUCKING AUGUST???

What the fuck is up with that??????

And do you know what else it means?

The breif seven days at he end of the summer that I hold so dear to me (*cough*camp*cough) shall be RIPPED away from me as I am forced to endure torrent of pointless lectures and weird ladies who say "God Bless" a lot and have weird shoes telling me to cherish these years and how I need to keep and "open mind and open heart".

Well, let me tell you: I will keep my heart open.

And then watch it spill in a big bloody mess all over the floor.

And then I will say "See? I did what you said."

Just kill me now.

It would save a lot of greif.

I mean, sure Educational Board for the fucking place, my entire personality is being torn away, but go right ahead. Send me a letter telling me that having fun is the most important aspect of school.


And school?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

That's hilarious.



That's even funnier.

Let's just act like we are absolute idiots though, who don't actually know what this system is trying to do to us.

Sure, I'm blind.

And apperantly, I'm also spending most of August sitting in a lecture hall wearing a blue, orange, and grey plaid skirt and saddle shoes.

Life is great.

And it only looks fucking better from here.

Ha ha ha.

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