05-17-04 . 7:21 pm

I hate mondays.

Today was...interesting.

Well, not by anyone else's terms. But I did get to laugh at something that also sort of made me feel sick.

But, before that, can I just say that one of my friends is suck a fucking moron. Seriously. I could punch her some days.

I was walking with her to class, and she starts smiling and says "Lizzi, I got mad last night."

I don't know why she fucking tells me these things.

But every time she does, she acts all proud.


The child tried to slit one of her wrists last night. That's the worst she's ever done too.

Usually it's just some patterns or something on her arm.

So I just told her that the next time she felt like cutting she officially had my permission to cut someone ELSE instead of herself (as long as it wasn't me).

It makes me so mad. She tells me every single time. I don't know why...

Do these people trust me? It's like she tells me just so I can yell at her. Why me? Why do I have to be the one who has to have all this guilt riding on her shoulders because her friend just tried to slit her wrists, and I'm not doing anything.

I can't do anything.

Sure, morally it would be right. But fuck morals, and let's get back to real life.

It just puts me in a shitty position. I can't say anything to anyone. But then if anything did happen (something really bad), I would feel like it was my fault for not saying anything.

This is depressing me.

So I will move on to my actual outrage of the day.

Because it's just ridiculous.

I think I've mentioned the group of girls who look like they have walked out of a Hot Topic ad and think that they are better than everyone else, right?

Well, today was an all time low for them.

Well, for most people actually.

At lunch, they made this big show of breaking Good Charlotte CDs in half saying it was crappy corporate trash or something to the similar.

Trashy corporate trash???


As if they (in their little shiny chucks and Blink 182 shirts) did not listen to that CD over and over as soon as they got home.

I mean, come on.

Let's be as dramatic as humanly possible.

It was almost as bad as when my sister eats pizza. It takes her about fifteen minutes for one slice because she pauses for dramatic effect in betweenslices.

Actually, it's kind of funny to watch her.

But these girls were pathetic.

And I don't mean to speak all this shit about them, but it was disgusting.

And it wasn't like they were actually breaking the real copies. Oh no. They were breaking burnt copies.

And I know for a fact that they still have the originals at home.

Deep sigh.

I hate people like that.

And I hate having friends who do stupid shit.

Hell- I hate everything.

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