05-11-04 . 10:07 pm


I just got a phone call about me being a bitch in my diary...Sorry about that.

I mean, I think a lot of the times I don't actually mean what I say.

I just sort of babble things out without actually thinking.

((And this has not actually done very well for me....I need to buy a thought strainer or something...Like I mental collinder. Hey, I like that. Mental collinder. Heh heh heh...))

I've completely given up on trying to do homework. I think I must have ADD or something.

Unless it's about music, my concentration level is somewhere around 2.

Which doesn't really get things done if you think about it....

Oi. I hate it when people read all my old entries. I think I might have been a bigger idiot then than I am now.


Yeah. Really unintellegnet remarks, most of which I completely take back.

But that ws back when no one EVER read my diary. EVER.

But some of them were okay. I even got a few of my society-bashes deemed as "laugh-out-loud-classics". Which is pretty cool, considering I wrote them just out of pure irritation. ((I think most people liked the one titled "Rawk". That one is pretty cool.))

Sorry. I'm completely sitting here talking to myself ABOUT myself.

There's low self-esteem for you!

Ha ha ha. Yeah. I'm only slightly delirious....


But you know what was really unkind?

When my copy of AP is sitting on my table and my dad picks it up and goes, "Wow. Colored pages. I thought it would have been written in crayon or something."

Gee thanks dad.

You might as well have said "Wow, Elizabeth, you really ARE an idiot. I think everything you like and think is complete bullshit."

Well....My other entry was actually meaningful. And I used a lot of capitol letters so you can tell I was pretty pissed off....


I'm really, really, really, really sorry Amanda....Yes, I am a bitch....But I'm glad you found my sarcastic remarks on the pathetic state of today's society amusing....

God. I have a headache.

And....oh. I forgot what I was going to say.

Dammit. Maybe my dad isn't so wrong in thinking I am a complete idiot.

You can take this whole diary as complete proof of it...

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