05-10-04 . 6:37 pm


Yes, I am back.

God knows why.

Do you have any idea how your thumb could get smaller within the space of about two weeks. Because now my thumb ring (one of them) keeps sliding off and it's pissing me off....

Sorry. Randomness...Osity...Ful.

Yeah, okay. I'll just shut up.

Oi....I really need to stop listening to music.

I think my need-to-buy CD list just grew by like five...

I do not have enough money for this. I need friends with better CD collections, dammit. That would be such a remarkably big help.

Because my options from them right now fall in either the Lagwagon-and-Ataris category or the Manson-and-London After Midnight category...And those are cool. But not what I really have any intention of listening to at the moment.

Sigh. I am listening to AFI. ((And, quite franky, I have no fucking idea why because generally they are only good with headphones cause they block everything out)). I'm so done with the hype over this band. And it will only get worse.

There new album wasn't very good. The first three- possibly four-were okay though...Answer That And Stay Fashionable is the best one though...But maybe I just think that because it has one of my all time favorite songs on it...And none of it is full of oh-my-life-is-so-damn-tragic stuff in it. It's more yeah-well-fuck-you-too.

If you get what I mean.

And it's entirely possible that you don't.

Because I don't think I really do either.

Which is saying something....

I fucking want to listen to Tiger Army right now...But maybe that's just because I am listening to AFI.

Yeah, okay. Nevermind.

I don't know why I even bother to write when I have nothing to say.

I really need hobbies, don't I? I guess when other people start commenting on how my life doesn't really exist outside of music, it becomes a problem.

But when you intend to write about music as a profession, I suppose that one needs to write a lot and listen to music a lot.

Which is exactly what I do.

Ha ha ha. That's basically ALL I do.

Well. That's just kind of sad I guess.

Things are looking okay on the Going To Pedro front. I really want to go there now.

I think I can sacrifice artistic expansion to be with some of the most kick-ass people I know for four fucking years. I guess.


I really DO need to take a brake from listening to so much new music for awhile.

But that's nearly impossible so nevermind.

I'm just desperate here. I've gotten to the point where some days I'll take just about anything.

Oh well.

Other Less Meaningful Quote of the Day:

"Do I look like a fucking squirrel to you?"

Yeah. For the good one (I actually really liked that one) go to the previous page.

Or not.

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