05-10-04 . 4:59 pm

Well, let's just see.

Today could be described as...Uneventful.

Entirely uneventful actually.

Which sucks, kinda. I mean, I would rather something entirely scandalous and aweful happen than nothing happen.

Though I'm not sure that's the way things should be.....

Shit. I don't even really have anything to write about. My day was THAT boring.


When does that ever happen???

Oh well.

I guess I'll just add a survery or something to liven it up a little bit.

Might as well go ahead with the quote of the day.

Quote of the Day:

"I'm in my late 20s, and I hate it when people my age knock the younger generation...It's not their fault that they're growing up in a time when they're less likely to be exposed to anything cool. I want to reach the kids out there...that are looking for something cool. And, hopefully, they'll get inspired by anything we're doing or stoked enough to play their own music or check out other bands. That's a goal of mine."--Nick 13 of Tiger Army

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