05-06-04 . 10:18 pm

I was too tired to actually write a real entry. But here is the quote of the day:

"What would I do with $100? I would buy lots of really short skirts to make you even hornier than usual, Michael."

---Amanda aka Happy-Pony.

For full random explanation go to her diary. Linked below.


current clothing:Balck tank top. Black knee length skirt. Wicked Witch of the East knee socks. Black and White saddle shoes with red laces. Stud belt as per boringly usual.
current mood:Pretty low.
current taste:Diet coke.
current hair:Pulled back into this big ass clip thingy.
current annoyance:Oh god. Everything. Just fucking everything,.
current smell:None.
current thing you ought to be doing:History homework.
current jewelry:Big plastic rings. Necklace.
current book:Riddle Master of Hed. Green Angel. Angus Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging. The Oracle.
current refreshment:Diet Coke.
current worry:I try to avoid my worries as much as possible.
current crush:None. (Go to school with basic loaves of bread...With big egos)
current favorite celebrity:Billy Martin (heh heh heh).
current longing:Pink Spakly Bass (see link)
current music:...And Out Come the Wolves CD (Rancid)
current wish:Better weather
current lyric in your head:ruby ruby ruby ruby soho.....God. That's really irritating.
current makeup (if you're a girl!):None.
current undergarments:Excuse me?
current regret:I don't have regrets.
current desktop picture:A three eyed cat. Don't ask.
current plans for tonight/weekend:More fucking drama rehersals taht I don't want to go to. Work on history project at Galen's house.
current cuss word du jour:Shut the fuck up.
current disappointment:Myself. I suppose.
current amusement:None....Boredom.
current IM/person you're talking to:None.
current love:Music
current obsession:Music
current avoidance:Responsibility
current thing or things on your wall:Green day poster. pictures. drawings. random crap.
current favorite book:Ombria in shadow....I am in love with the main character. Really.
current favorite movie:The Nightmare Before Christmas.

currents!@*&!*@&^& brought to you by BZOINK!

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