05-04-04 . 10:14 pm

Argh....I have no idea what time it is.

But I forgot that I had this big algebra assignment and just had to go and do the fucking thing. Which, sucked.

Because I loathe algebra and everything associated with it and am in the higher class due to a mere fluke in the system.

Or the fact that my algebra teacher last year hated me as much as I think she did and just wanted to make me fail because I never did ANY of my homework in her class and still got a C.

But she was a bitch so I don't even care.

I'm really ready to get out of this fucking school.

I'm really, really ready to get away from most of these people.

I think that out of the millions of people there, I can safely say that oh say....Four people know anything about anything and have any idea of what our society is like.

And those four people are the one's I'm really gonna miss.

But i'm not gonna miss all these other people. Who seem to think that everyone else's business is their own and you are who you are because of the shoes you wear. The people who decide that you are what you are because of what you listen to.

I say, as long as you are happy and you don't make me listen to it, I don't give a fuck what you listen to.

Because a lot of the people who listen to stuff I do are complete morons who think that they are better than everyone else. And I know girls who listen to Stacey Orrico and are just pretty fucking cool.

I'm really not in a good mood. You may have noticed this. I chop up paragrapd more when I'm irriated, I've noticed.

And now my knees are throbbing because I didn't wear my knee braces all day.

See, I have this stupid problem where my knee caps are loose and slide off to the side so everything kind of grates in there. And I'm supposed to go to physical therapy with some guy whose name I can never remember (Christian typically just makes up random names for the poor guy...I think he was Philipe last week....But that's Christian for you) and wear knee braces all the time but I never do.

And my mom just walked in and got mad at me becaue Galen didn't call me like she said she would. Thanks a bunch.

So...I need something to do.

I'm having a shitty day. Week. Month. Year.

Yeah. I guess it would just have to be year, wouldn't it?

Well.....Whatever. If I stop and think about how stupid things are then they get worse. So if I just sit in blissful denial with music to block out any chance of emotion, things seem to get better.

And, when I think about it, the better things get, the worse they really become.

Which makes no sense, I understand. But its true. Kinda.

I just can't really describe why.

But right now I would just settle on having someone here who knows what the fuck they are talking about and can have a logical conversation with me. I've isolated myself by getting in to what I'm in.

Which in the long run is probably a lot better. But that doesn't really help me now does it?

I guess that's why its the long run.

Yeah. I'm rambling complete shit. Get over it.

(Other) Quote of the Day:

"People are so fucking stupid. How bout this. When you become a famous journalist and my band makes it big, you and I marry Benji and Billy and piss all the little bitches off."

Ha ha ha. You're so awesome. Why I don't know you, I will never quite be sure.

Ah, sigh. I must go distract myself.

((and find something else to put in the CD player....MxPx is kinda irritating.))

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