05-04-04 . 6:15 pm

Today was....Well. I suppose the operative phrase would be FUCKING HOT, but I think I'll just go into pointless details because I'm bored. A lot.

I got shit today because I was wearing a skirt and mismatched stripey kneesocks (lime green and purple), a tee shirt, stud belt, and chucks that had so many holes you could quite literally see my socks. I was deemed "Queen of Very High Fashion". Ha fucking ha.

Like it even matters.

But I did get the Rock Against Bush Comp. which is pretty cool. When I was listening to it on the bus this kid Baker goes "Woah. You're like a full on punker then?"

Oh yes, Andrew. The Get Up Kids. I am so hardcore.

Pardon my sarcasm. My foot hurts and it put my in a bad mood because the asshole of a horse I have to ride put all of his weight on one foot AND THEN STEPPED ON ME, scraping the top of my foot.

And that hurts. A lot.

Hmmm...What else?

Oh yes. We had yet more testing. I had to take the test for advanced algebra. I think I guessed on at least half of the problems.

And then I was bored so I borrowed Chesea's magazines and read two interviews with The Casualties, one from Anti-Flag, one from Atreyu, a history of Staright Edge (That was actually really, really interesting because it talked about how it became a stupid fad cult where people would get the tattoos and buy the t-shirts but not really give a damn about why they were doing what they were doing), and an article about Walls of Jericho.

Yes. I was bored.

A lot.

And its still fucking hot here. It is complete hell, trust me, to sit in a non-airconditioned room taking a test where you have no coherant idea as to what any of the answers are for THREE HOURS.

So....That was my day. Not really that interesting actually.

But the magazines were the best part, definitely.

Uhhhh.....I guess I'll just have to write more later because I'm braindead at the moment.

Quote of the day:

"There's nothing wrong with it if you want to commercialize punk a little bit to get more of it to the masses, to bring in a different opinion. You're going to have a lot of people that are cheesy, but a lot of people might get into the good stuff. I think people deserve that as much as any of us. Any band that has the opportunity to do that, I think they should. Not just for the money, but for the people who will want it for life." -----Jake Kolatis of The Casualties.

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