05-02-04 . 5:16 pm


Well. I had something to say.

But, being stereotypically myself, I have no fucking clue what exactly that was.

I feel....inadiquite.

Yeah. That's the right word.

Why, I don't actually know.

But that's the only word that kind of works. So I'll use it, dammit.

Oh, and I'm convinced that there are some CDs that can make the netire world better. They just can.

((Yes, I AM listening to Rancid...Leave me alone)).



I can't even begin to describe how sick of these I am becoming. But I don't have any next week. Thank god.

Today was pretty lame. We didn't do anything.

I talked to Anahid and Christian a lot, though.

Christian told me the only school I should go to is one where everyone babbled inscently and the temperature was a constant seventy degrees.

It's scary how well he knows me.

Because that sounds awesome.

Kind of.

Anyway....Got told I look like some girl from last year like a million times.


I don't know why today, of all days, people consider me to look like her. Because I look just the same as every other day. Basically.

But I kinda think they meant it as a compliment.

But considering that I look virtually nothing like her, I'm confused.

Yes. I do realize this is all completely impertinent.

But, what the hell. It's hot.

And I reserve every right to just shoot off random thoughts.

I do it all the time anyway.

I still wish it was Monday....Actually, for once, I'm not dreading next week. Which is pretty cool.


Well, whatever.

I still can't remember why I came here to write.

Oh well.

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