05-01-04 . 10:38 pm

"Music is an indirect force for change because it provides an anchorage against human tradgedy." --Operation Ivy

I wish it was Monday....

Yes. I would rather be at school.

Because next week is testing for the CAT6s or whatever the hell we have to take this year.

And no matter how much I typically despise my hellhole educational (HA!) establishment, it's a hell of a lot better than being here doing nothing.

I always complain about how I would rather sit at home and do nothing. And then I do. And remember why I stopped.


I just went to Borders with my mom.

Just to get out of the house.

Their CD section sucked.

Hardly surprising though, now that I think about it....Out of seven CDs I wanted, they had one.

Pathetic, isn' t it?

I'll just have to resort to Ameoba music from now on, I suppose.

This is very Clash-esque.

Sorry. Listening to OpIvy. And they do. And that kinda bugs me even though the Clash is probably in my top three of the greatest bands in history.

Yeah, so what if I am rambling nonsencical crap?

I'm tired and fed up with drama and listening to good music and my socks don't match.

So take that all of you.

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