04-24-04 . 10:02 pm

I actually ahve some worthwhile (ha ha ha) things to say in this entry.


But that's just because I've been doing stuff since five in the morning.

Today I went to my forth and final DTASC (drama teacher's association of southen california) festival. Tear. I'll miss these things.

Anyway. So. To fill all you guys in DTASC festvals are competive drama (yeah. Okay. I am such a big dork that I do competitive shakespeare). And You are organized into two categories A Division which is middle school and B Division which is 8th and HS. And schools from all over California come and compete.

I was in a scene with five of my favorite drama people: Rhiannon, Amanda, Anahid, Christian, and Jordan. We are the most demented group out there. Our rehersals typically ended up in screaming, chair throwing, and singing grease songs.

And we do serious. We were in a King Lear scene in the King Lear category.

It was pretty good. We placed 5th which is awesome because we SUCKED....a lot.


As many of you probably realize, this is not what I came to rant about. Because that would be boring.

I came to give the usual "I hate all these fucking ignorant bastards" speil.

The people there.

I cannot even tell you.

We got "punkers" coughed at us FROM ACROSS THE ROOM during a round. For no fucking reason.

And let me tell you, we did not look the part. We were all wearing black and minimal eyeliner and even my big plastic jewelry had been reduced to its minimum.

And I, apperantly, was the only one in a group who really pulled off the "punk" look.




I, appart from my hair which is purple ( unusual......), looked the least offensive.


It was pathetic.

And durig lunch, I got several people telling me that I would be a "punker" in highschool. Ooo...Great. That means so fucking much to me.

Let's start labeling young, shall we?

It was all just very funny because Amanda, who follows Marilyn Manson religiously (that doesn't quite work does it?....) took being called a punk a personal insult.

I think it didn't help that three of us (myself included) got really pissed off at lunch because they kept playing all this rap shit. So we went up to the DJ guy and made him put on "Smells Like Teen Spirit". And then stood right in front of the giasnt speakers and watched to lesbians making out.

We amuse ourselves in small ways.

So shut up.

Anyway. There were a lot of people there who really pissed me off as well.

Like it seems that if you are competing at Shakespeare, one should not show up plastered in Hot Topic purchases, shiny new lowtops, a Ramones shirt (though I have nothing against the Ramones), and a backpack covered in Good Charlotte pins and patches.

That sort of takes away all the coolness of just being there.

And the fashion of the not faux-punk-skater people.

Good lord.

Can someone please tell me WHY it is attractive to wear one's belt around their ass and backwards??? Do you WANT to look like you got dressed in the dark???

And besides that. There were a lot of brightly colored leggings worn under butt-twitcher (thank you Holden Caufeild) skirts.

As if leggings, bright colored, no less, were not aweful enough. Let's go and wear them with our skirts that are so short that they barely cover our asses and our sideways sparkly and studded belts.

Ooooo hardcore.

That would be the only adjective to describe it. From what the term has become.

What else happened.....Oh yeah.

There is one school whose acronym is PMS. For Pacoima Middle School.

But it's just really funny because during every awards ceremony they sit there and chant "PMS! PMS! PMS!".

Which I never found to be any less than hysterical.


Can't remember much more.

Too tired.

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