04-22-04 . 10:32 pm



And listening to Blink 182.

I don't know why.

But there is something strangely enduring about them. Like I couldn't ever really say why because a lot of it is shit...But still. It has the kind of qualities that make it okay to like it. Though what those are, I'm not quite sure.

I have Shakespeare festival on Saturday. I don't really know how I feel about that.

Time is getting faster. Well. Okay, that's kind of impossible.

But I can remeber when a week was an eternity and a day was a lifetime. Now it's almost friday and I think it was just monday. It seems that the less I pay attention to everything, the faster it goes.

Or maybe it's just going and I miss it as it comes.

Either way.

My right shoulder is killing me. I have now developed large bruising around the deep cuts. Which sucks really.

I mean it could be worse, but I would have picked one or the other. Not both.

I think I might know why this almost pathetically cliche music has so much appeal to me. It reminds me of too many people I know. It's that kind of immediate relation with music that you rarely ever find in anything else.

Which is cool. But most days I just feel like completely disassociating myself with myself so, in that respect, it's pretty lame.


That was it.

Another update about nothing.


I have no clean socks.

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