04-23-04 . 9:18 pm

Sometimes I wish I didn't listen to music that has the potential to make me cry. Damn you Jimmy Eat World. "Sweetness" is what it says. And I hate that. Sort of.

I feel weird.

Just generally strange.

I feel like someone who listens to way fucking too much music for her own damn good and has friends who are beyond weird. Most days.

Fuck. I know people who's boyfriends are trees.

And I mean that literally. Roots, branches, leaves. The whole works.


He's pretty nice.

You know. For a tree.

I should probably go to bed. I have to wake up at five so I can get on a bus to Westchester to go to this damn festival. i don't particularly feel like doing that.

I really don't.

I don't know what I want to do.

There is something missing from me right now. And I fucking wish I knew what it was. Just a big hole of nothing that had yet to be filled or told me with what to fill it with.

Do you know what's sad?

When you are listening to idobi radio and you know who most of the songs are by without looking.

That is pathetic.

Though I missed the Guff one. I never listen to them anyway.

Sorry. I'm rambling about nothing and I am so sure that it is fascinating.

I don't know why you people put up with me. Oi.

Okay. At least once a day, i try to be useful.

So this will be my helpful hint for today. ((and for once it has absolutely nothing to do with music)).

If you, for some reason feel the impulse to read the "classic" 1984, please- let me dissuade you.

Crap, if I ever read any.

Well. The theory was very interesting and the writing is good. But other that that- nothing.

While being over halfway through the book, let me tell you what has happened.

Part1: say the exact same things about goverment over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Without actually proceeding through the plot whatsoever.

Part2: turn the tables and make the entire thing about sex.

Oh joy.

And come one.

If I really wanted to read stuff like this, I could find better versions of either in numerous volumes.


The whole thing pisses me off.

((What doesn't?))

Oh yeah, and I hate all the people in the story. I don't give a shit what happens to any of them.

Well, that was it. Just a pointless rant about something that really isn't that big of a deal.

P.S. Allister is way cool. Listening to at moment.

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