04-19-04 . 4:48 pm


Oh yeah. I have something to write about. I do. Really.

Today. Bus. Stupid labeling.


Seriously. These people frighten me. We were talking about elementary schools or whatever and I was forced once more to give the whole "blue itchy sweaters and church every fucking day" speil about St. peters. When I was done these kids are all like "Oh. No wonder you're a punker." Oi. You can see these theories formng in their minds. And then we were talking about drugs and I told them how I knew way too many people who smoke, drank, cut, were abused etc. Holy shit. You just see their eyes getting wider.

But, you know, it's not like its ever different any other fucking day right?

So....Good news. Yeah, there actually might be some. Maybe. Leaning towards the delusional side but hell, I'm allowed to keep up my hopes, right? So. Amanda is taking bass lessons from her brother every day now, and said that I could come over and have him teach me. Which would be awesome. Because my parents wouldn't even care if they didn't have to pay for it.

I'm hungry.

Sorry. Randomnessosityful.

Other than tat, my day pretty much sucked. I had a fight with some nacho cheese and went up to people with Galne saying "I'm a naked bagel- Bite Me." (sorry way, way, way inside joke). And it was so stupid- all day all I wanted to do was listen to Anti-Flag. And I still haven't gotten to.

Oh. And I also got beaten with a metal chair. That was actually really fun. Jordan was mad at me and I was sitting on the ground and we started fighting with this goddamn chair. I'll probably feel it tomorrow.

Shit. I'm bored....There is nothing to do here....And we don't get homework on mondays dammit!

What to do, what to do.

I know.

Pointless quizzes and surverys.

And find my Rancid CD and listen to that really loud.

Oh fun.

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