04-17-04 . 1:51 pm

Would you rather be an African elephant or an Asian elephant? Why?:Neither. I don't want to be an elephant, thank you very much.
Would you rather freeze to death or burn alive? Why?:Burn alive. Because I hate being cold. And freezing would take along time. Yu wouldn't know you were burning because you would have passed out because of the smoke.
Name three movies you like:Nightmare Before Christmas, Return of the Jedi, Bye Bye Birdie
Name three books you like:Ombria in Shadow, Catcher in the Rye, Wicked
Have you ever fallen in love with a fictional character? Which one(s)? Why?:Yes. Ducon Greve from Ombria in Shadow. I had to stop reading that book.
Republican, Democrat or other? Why?:Democrat. Because I am not a mindless moron. Possibly.
Attendance percentage at high school dances?:I don't feel the need to go be social.
What television shows do you watch regularly?:Law and Order SVU
Abortion is...:Unnecessary depending on ones situation...
The death penalty is...:An easy way out
How do you take your coffee?:With cream
How do you take your tea?:Cream and sugar
Who's your favorite teacher/professor?:Mrs. Barryte (drama)
How do you feel about your parents?:Nothing positive most of the time
What sort of music do you listen to?:Punk, pop punk, ska, rock
List five or ten bands you listen to.:Rancid, Misfits, NoFX, The Distillers, The Descendants, MxPx, Green Day, Finch, Reel Big Fish, Millencolin, H2O
Do you use public transportation?:No....Well. I take a school bus.
Ever told someone you love him/her?:No.
Morning person, night person or both?:Night person
Siblings?:One= complete psychotic bitch
What are your friends like?:Slightly insane. "Different"
Amusement parks are?:Stupid. Unless its Disneyland. I like Disneyland.
Cafeterias are?:Gross.
Dogs are?:Stupid. I hate dogs.
Any phobias, traumas or other weirdnesses?:Only like a million. I resent forks, okay?

The Personality Resume brought to you by BZOINK!

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