04-13-04 . 10:33 pm

Double sigh.

I am rather delirious having just taken the extra-drowsy sinus medication that was the only kind we had left.

Things are pretty dull right now.

I had a fucked up day.

Just sort of depressed all the time. People kept telling them I looked unhappy. Apperantly it was obvious. I have no time for wit.

Am listening to Finch. I swear to god, it is the only CD in the entire world that has forced me (repeatedly) to break down in tears. I sort of hate them for it. So obviously it is my favorite CD in the universe. No matter how much I resent them.

I feel really shitty.

I don't know what's wrong.

Was like this all day.

Sorry that this entry is so fucked up. I...I just can't really put into words how I feel right now. Lost.

That's it.

I just don't feel like being social. Not that I feel like that often. But I.....

Forgot what I was going to say.

I told you there was something wrong.

I haven't even ranted all day.

I just don't feel like it.

For once.

I just feel like disapperaing.


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