04-12-04 . 4:53 pm



My articulation apperantly is quite obvious today.

So shut the fuck up.


Here I am. Same as absolutely usual. And I feel sick. Because I had a shitty day. And having shitty days make me feel aweful. So I eat. And I feel sick from eating. Really sick.

And I can't stop listening to Black Sails in the Sunset. I just can't/ Which is stupid. Because I go through so many Cds a freakin day. It feels weird to just listen to one. But its the only one I want to listen to. So there.

And do you know what?

I seriously need to shut up.

Because my problems are nonexistant and I am just a whiny bitch. But at least I know it.

My fingers are sticky.

I wonder why.

Got lots of idiot remarks on the fact that my hair is now purple.

They asked me if I fell in the grape juice.

I love my peers. I really do.

Just kill me now.

And do you know what else?

I am going to have to hide in my room all afternoon.

From guilt.

Because my fucking report card came this afternoon. And as we all know, it sucked. A lot.

But my parents are the kind of people who won't actually scold me. They just lay it out on the table and never talk about it. That way you feel guilty.

Because the know that if they got mad at me, I wouldn't care. Because I have the gift of turning anger and resent into apathy.

Well. I turn nearly everything into apathy.

So nevermind.


I really don't feel good. I feel like I'm going to be seriously ill.

I blame my sister.

her whole goddamn school is out with the stomach flu.

Damn elementary school kids.

I loathe them.

Yes. Loathe.

But, then again, I loathe nearly everyone.

So there you go.

Ignore me.

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