04-12-04 . 6:04 pm



I am listening to the Special AKA.

For those less informed, they are seventies-era ska/punk. Sounds kinda weird. It is. Just trust me.

And I like it.

And now I'm really pissed off because its from this big 2-Tone Collection (British ska label) and my burnt copies got all fucked up so I actually had to go find the real thing.

And I don't know why the hell I am writing about this because its not like anyone out there ever listens to them.

I blame boredom.

Boredom made me do it!!!

Just shut up. All of you.

I'm tired and listening to ska and feeling ill and procrastinating my homework (I'm not even very sure what we have...but, hey. That's what TeacherWeb is for right? Juvenile Delinquents like, well, me, who never remember anything in class because they aren't paying attention and never even bring their agendas so they never know what the homework is...Not that they heard the teacher give the assignment....)

You know what?


Just nevermind.

Ignore everything I say.

I always do....

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