04-09-04 . 7:11 pm

I smell like a horse.

Well, I do.

And considering that I just had to go ride The Beast (Many would call him my horse, but that seems slightly inappropriate considering his stereotypical behavior).

And I am listening to my favorite Lit song because after listening to four clash CDs in a row, a Rancid, and a Distillers, I just needed a break.

So here I am.

Another entry about absolutely fucking nothing.

I sure hope you enjoyed.

I know that I didn't.

I am so fucking tired. I really am. I think its post-east-cost jet lag. Or something. And I am bored. Myu mother is now beginning to worry about my fascination with "revolting and obnoxious music". Yeah mom. Thanks. Like all the country you listen to isn't revolting and obnoxious.

I really need to get my ass up and do something. It's really nice outside. For a change. But seriously. I know that I won't. Because I am a failure who does nothing but obsess over nothing and fuck everything up. I love fucking life. It brings me such joy.

And, once again, pathetic angst holds me in its slimy grasp and forces me to act like more of an asshole than usual.


I use that word too much. My apathy levels have gotten WAY to high. But caring is just messy and something I don't feel particularly inclined to do.

Motivation is a strong point in my life.

You know what? I am just going to shut the fuck up. I need to do that more often. I really do.

Feel free to tell me so.

Just say "Eddie/Lizz/DiDi, shut the fuck up."

I would really appreciate that.

I really would.

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