04-08-04 . 8:46 pm


I got up at 3:30 today.

In the afternoon.

And I don't fucking care.

Because I got back from the airport at 11:00 and went to bed at 2:00.

New York was fun.

D.C. was full of dead people cast in bronze. Basically my whole experience there consisted of going "Oh look! Another statue for some historical figure. Greeeeeeeeeat!". And it was cold. Seriously- you have no idea how difficult it is to be a pathetic southern californian child who is used to a constant seventy degrees all year round at all times of the day to go around and pretend to be interested when its thirty. It's just impossible. But I assume the museums would have been fascinating. But we barely got time to look. You know what I saw in the Americana museum? The bathroom. That was it. They gave us fifteen fucking minutes to look around an entire branch of the smithsonian. And all I did was go to the bathroom.

As you can see, being cultured is very high on my list.

The entire trip was was stopping, taking a picture, and then leaving.

We got no atmosphere. Just snapshots.


I'm sitting here listening to Reel Big Fish.

Somewhere in this house is a large stack of ska albums my dad's friend burned for me. I wish I knew where they were...Hmmm......

Oh well. Now I am home. And newly deemed Eddie. I like that. It kicks the shit out of Elizabeth Claire. Eddie. Yeah, that works.


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