04-01-04 . 10:18 pm


Yes, wah.



The next day= Absolute hell and I'll be exhausted.

Yes. Fun. Tomorrow. Fucking tomorrow evening-like right now- I shall be at LAX. getting ready to leave. For New York.

And now my braces are absolutely killing me. Because in the smart way all parents function, my mother scheduled an "upper arch adjusment" the fucking day before I leave.

So right. I am at the orthodontist's office. It went by pretty quick because no one was drooling over Davey Havok, like last time. And trust me, I have done my fair share of Davey drooling but I generally prefer that one do it when they are not holding large pointy objects inside my mouth.

So then its over and my mom decides that my nails are absolutely disgusting. So she takes me to get a manicure.

A manicure.


Do I look like the kind of person who would get a fucking manicure.

So I got black. Nail polish.

But what are the worst parts of this revolting feminine ritual, you may ask. Number one: they touch you. Number two: They make you take off all of your jewelry (big problem for me...I wear really quite a lot). Number three: they talk to each other in basically very other language except English, so you know they are just saying how ugly you are. Number four: all of the other pricks in the place stare at you because you are wearing all black and a shirt with a picture of a zombie bunny on it and are painting your fingernails black. Number five: the music they play sucks. Number six: It takes waaaaaaaay to long for something you could do in like our fucking minutes yourself.

But, you know. What the fuck do I know? Apparently it is the height of fun.

The rest of today was quite uninteresting. As usual. Though Amanda and I had a contest to see who could say fuck the most. And then we went around yelling "April Fools!" whenever anyone said something completely obvious.

So that was it.

I'm kind of panicking.

I still have no packing done.

Well, more than yesterday.

Less than I should.

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