03-31-04 . 9:21 pm

You wanna know what?!?

I am a loser.

And a moron.

(But I think you already knew that).

I have gone through yet another day withour doing any packing whatsoever. The trip is TWO FUCKING DAYS AWAY.

And I have done nothing. Nothing.

Except added like four CDs to The List of CDs I Will Soon Waste All My Cash On.

You know, I really don't know why you people read this crap. It should be titled "Worthless Rantings of a Complete Idiot."

Maybe that's what I'll call it.

Anyway. I will write something about the ignornace of my peers (again). Because that will make me feel happy for at least having some brain cells, if no sense of responsibility or duty. Today I was wearing a shirt with an anarchy symbol on it. Well, okay, I still am. It is red and the anarchy symbol is very large and noticible from a distance.

So, as I waited for the bus (our bus driver is a moronic rapist {well, okay...I don't actually know that her is a rapist, but I sure wouldn't want to be alone on the bus with him without a bunch of other guys} who likes to wait til the goddamn last minute to go so we have to stand there in the blazing sun/ strong winds while everyone else gets to leave), my somewhat oblivious friend Susan comes bouncing (yes, bouncing....She is a complete hyper active weirdo who actually has enthusiasm) up to me and goes "Ohmigawd! I love your shirt!!! It's AntiSocial Sunshine!".

Okay, let me explain something. AntiSocial Sunshine is a group of somewhat questionable characters who perform somewhat questionable deeds to which I am an extremely prominent member. Our motto is "Friends Don't Let Friends Burn in Hell". We stole it off a flyer in a sunday school room. We find revenge a very amusing pastime. I believe this says quite a lot about us and our twisted actions.

Anyway, the symbol for AntiSocial Sunshine (or ASS as we like to call it), is a heart with two large arrows in, the places where it peirces the heart have blood dripping down. There is an anarchy symbol 'tattooed' onto the center of the heart. Out of this sprouts a large flower. Except that this is no flower: there is an eyeball (bloodshot, with a star in the pupil) that is on fire.

As I said, our minds wander in quite strange ways.

Anyway. Back to that fact that many of the people I am supposed to be on the same social level with cannot even spell individuality.

So, I tell Susan that no. It is not A.S.S. It is Anarchy.

And she says NO it isn't. Its antisocial sunshine.

What the fuck? Like I wouldn't know what the hell I am wearing across my shirt. And she totally acted like I wouldn't know.

Right. You moron.

And then when we were actually on the fucking bus this stupid little girl who has a button with a picture of peas holding hands that says "Let There Be Peas On Earth" makes her the epitome of punk-dom.

The idiot listens to fucking Evanescense every fucking day!!!! Oooo Amy Lee is soooo punk!

Anyway. She goes on telling about how she totally knows what "that symbol on my shirt is".

Okay....Why the fuck do I care???

And she didn't even say what it was. Just that she "knew what it meant". Also: What the Fuck??? If you knew it, why the hell wouldn't you say it.

I seriously do not understand these people.

They make me irritated, angry, frustrated, depressed, and occasionally very amused all at once.


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