03-30-04 . 11:14 pm

Ha ha ha ha!!!

I have been berated by some Avril lover in my notes section!!!

Ha. You whoever you are, are honestly pathetic.

She tells me that I should stop telling people what's wrong with them and only give compliments so I can make the world a better place.

What the fuck????

MAke the world a better place.




Ha ha ha.

Anyway. I suppose this was all aroused when I came upon this diary and both inrtigued and utterly repulsed, I left her a note concerning her poser-ific (new words! yay!) profile.

You should have read it.


In fact, I hope you do.

It babbling on about how she worshiped the every ground where the tie wearing canadian queen of all things wrong with today's generation of eleven to thirteen year olds put her shiny new vans. And how she was really, really different. I think she must have used that word like a hundred times.

So I left her a note pointing out that fact that people who are truly different don't need to say so because it is implied and just pointling out the obvious.

She got kinda mad.

And said she was just the average teenager.

Yeah. Hello??? THAT'S THE PROBLEM.

Every fucking teenager thinks that they can call themselves different. That's what being average is.

Average is being a fucking moron who knows nothing about nothing and is oblivious to everything wrong with them and all of their "peers".


It was fucking hilarious to read this shit.

I was very tempted to add her as a favorite and put "Look! Stupid Trend Follower!" as a comment. But I didn't.


Well. That was it.

Go read her diary. It was.....Pathetic.


There is no other word for it.

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