03-28-04 . 9:59 pm


I do not want to go to school

Perhaps I shall just have to be ill...But that won't work....Whatever. Melingering (spelled correctly?) really doesn't suit me. And it smells like mold in here. Why the fuck does it smell like mold??? And feet? (No, it is not me....I just showered, thank you very much).

And, I'll have you know, I got absolutely nothing done with the whole packing-for-the-DC-trip-because-I-won't-have-time-all-week issue.Except to put my TUKs and Nightmare Before Christmas blanket into a suitcase. I folded my clothes too.

Accomplishments, accomplishments.

But now I really do feel....ill.

And being sick would be good in a bad but kinda good but still bad way.

Whatever. I think I had homework....Shit. Yes, I did. Oh well. Hour long bus rides serve more than one purpose, I suppose.

Oi. My braces are sore.

Well, okay, my braces aren't actually the things that hurt. They are hurting me.

Sorry. Dorkiness typically overcomes all else as it is revealed that I have both braces and glasses. And I damn well like it. I would rather be a freak of nature than someone normal. That would be GROSS.

Whatever. Must go....Do some thing else.

Though I will pobably be back....nothing else to do.

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