03-29-04 . 4:43 pm

You know what?

I seriously hate my sister.

A lot.

She walks in here in her fucking pajamas and demands U make her some pocorn. I said no, because a.) It is fucking four thirty in the afternoon and who the hell wheres their pajamas, and b.) She just fucking ate and does not need popcorn.

So she starts screaming at me, hits me, then runs away.

Where she is now.

So fuck her, I say.

Harsh, I suppose. But yo have never met my sister. She listens to Hilary Duff. Who the fuck listens to Hilary Duff?

And she says MY music sucks.

Right back atcha sis.

And I think that that is all I have to say.

I think.

But this will only last away so...

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