03-28-04 . 5:34 pm


This is impossible.

Try packing for a trip to a place where you have virtually no idea what the weather will be like using only things that you have to use daily until the trip. But you won't have any time to pack before the trip because you have no life and are busy every day after school. You also will have NO TIME to go over packing or whatever that night because the stupid drama mommies decided they wanted to work you to death until eight and then you have to drive like hell over to LAX because your red eye flight leaves at like ten. And you won't have time to do anything right after school that day, because, while also haveing a three hour Damn Yankees rehersal, you have an hour and a half long Kind Lear rehersal, so you and your trip partner will just have to go and buy lots and lots of coffee for an hour after school to keep you awake and willing to look like an idiot in front of your peers for awhile. (Woah...Haven't written a run-on sentance that bad in a looooooong time....).

But, anyway. My task is impossible. And very, very frustrating. I think I'm going to have to bring my shoulder bag to school on Friday because my backpack will have to be all ready for the trip and sitting safely at home. But you wanna know the good part? I am not the only one who has to endure this. Oh, no. Rhiannon has the exact same problem because we have the same schedules for everything and we are driving her to the airport. This is so fucked up.

How the hell am I supposed to do this?

Oi. This is pointless.

Galen: how are you doing this???

...Ugh......What to do, what to do.

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