03-24-04 . 10:05 pm

Well, fuck you too Galen.

I'm sorry but I was lightening my homework load while having a near nervous breakdown due to god knows what. Seriously. I feel like shit. Like nauseous and achey and exhausted and anxious and cramped all at the same time. And then like an hour ago I was listening to some Finch song and I just started crying. Don't know why.

I haven't left my room since five o'clock. Holy shit. Its ten o'clock? I was doing homwork for four and a half fucking hours???

Well, that's depressing.

But almost everything is at the moment.

I feel really weird and can't ever sleep and know. Just bad.

And I don't know why or how to stop it.

I just do.

Will write more later....

Who needs sleep anyway??

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