Saturday, Mar. 20, 2004 . 4:48 pm

Was just on quizilla. All those morons really piss me off.

You would seriously not believe how many 'how well do you know me' quizzes there are (except that they are all spelled weird with lots of fragmenteed capital letters and misspellings because people still seem to think that shorthand is cool....ha ha ha).

WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING? Why the hell would I CARE anything about them??? Why would anyone take a fucking quiz like that? WHY.

And then there are all the same quizzes with the same questions and even stupider answers that all say "This is not just another (whatever) quiz!!! It's real!!!". Well, guess what? They aren't. They are exactly the same shit that every other person ever puts up. And they are always wrong. Always.

I still don't know why I even go to sites like that. The whole thing is just for people who don't know who or what they are. I just go because I am bored. A lot. All the time.

Ugh. This is frustrating. Its almost as bad as looking at other people's diaries. I look at those constantly out of sheer pathetic boredom and they really make me mad. Mad at them and mad at myself. Because every time I read them I find myself either liking them or not. And who can judge by what someone writes in a fucking online diary? They are all probably lovely people but I end up hating them just because they use shorthand or something.

I'm sure there must be one good shorthand user out there.


I have just yet to meet them.

So now I am all irritated over two things that are really nothing and its my own fault I am irritated because I could just get off the computer. But no. I will stay and make my self even more frustated at the stupidity of my peers.

This is getting old.

I need coffee.

Or something.

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