2004-03-17 . 4:26 p.m.

Guess what? Today sucked. So, here is a brief *cough* description of my day in basically chronological order. Basically.

Got woken up by mom but didn't really ever wake up so then got yelled at because it was a quarter to seven and I had missed the bus.

Got magazine with very cute pics of Blink 182 in homeroom but ruined them because I had to clip out a thing about Guilt Show by the Get Up Kids for Susan.

Ran half a mile in nine fucking minutes in P.E. And then lied and said I ran it in seven. Got promised two NOFX CDs.

Was the only one in my entire science class who understood the lecture and I am still getting a C even though I inderstand things better than everytone else because I am a stupid and irresponsible idiot who can't do anything right. Because I don't care.

Had to study more Holocaut stuff in English which always makes me really depressed.

Fought all drama with Jordan and ended up hitting him really hard (while he held me down). But Rhiannon and I did get it so that we can sing in rounds.

Had to go to moronic DC trip at lunch and found out that we don't get to choose who we sit with on the plane which means I will probably end up sitting hext to some god aweful person like the fucking bastard Gimel (who can burn in hell for all goddamn eternity and I could not care any less) or Julianne which would not be as bad because then I could just ignore her.

Had test in history. It sucked.

Got a D on ANOTHER fucking quiz in algebra.

And now I feel sick because I keep eating these weird cookie things that aren't that good but have a lot of choclate and I have cravings really bad right now.

But I am listening to The Used and I swear to god that they make absolutely everything better. Sigh. Like Finch.....

My mind is wandering more and more lately. I think it's just so aweful here that I don't really care to pay attention, I just want to make other things up. And listen to music. God forbid there should ever be like four seconds when I'm not thinking about music. It's really stupid. Lonisha talked to me all morning (unfortunately) and the farthest I got in the conversation was the Weezer song stuck in my head.

I like Taking Back Sunday. Listening to now...

See?!? I told you. It's pathetic. My thougts revolv in very small circles. So small in relation to anything pertinent but then I up thinking about weird things all the time. Because music leads to other things. better things. Better than what I have here. And I've only cracked the surface into new good music, and I keep going further under. All I want is to sit and to listen to music. That's it.

Wishful thinking, wishful thinking.

But that, I think, is the only kind of thinking I am currently capable of.

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