2004-03-10 . 1:09 a.m.


(if you are just reading this, read what I wrote before, b4 you look at this....or just don't and be confused. I don;t care)

Mom just came in (and acted all repulsed because I was playing LinkinPark and it was a heavy rap and screaming song) and told me that she loved me, I was a good person, and a smart person.

Gee, thanks.

Being smart and being good (both of which are questionalbe) DOES NOT PREVENT ME FROM FUCKING EVERYTHING UP THANK YOU VERY MUCH. It just makes it worse because then I at least had the potential to do the right thing.

I almost said something but didn't. I just sat there and she could totally tell that I didn;t believe her. And, well, I did, but I could tell that she also knew that I was a screw up who would never do anything right. She was just being nice about it.

See? I'm a screw up, but at least I am a good and smart screw up.

Thanks. It helps.

I always hate it when people make a big deal about apologizing. It makes me feel weird cuz I would never do that. Not to anyone I know at least. And then I know I never respond the right way and they end up feeling worse than they might have before for something I had probably already forgotten about.

It's just dwelling on the past. Move one, people. I don't care.

And now I feel worse because I am a screw up, but a very mean and unappreciative screw up.

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