2004-03-09 . 4:27 p.m.


Today was equally lame as every other day. That shocks you I imagine. But the good news: I DON'T HAVE AN F ANYMORE!!!! I told Briana I thought I was failing and she said that she was doing Ms. Ryono's grades yesterday and no one from our class was failing. I am so happy. Really. I am.

Today all the hot punk(ish) guys at my school brought their guitars and amps. No one knew why as none of them played. And none of them play together anyway. There are like four little groups of people who play and only around two from three of the groups came. No, only like two and a half groups. Vince's band didn't bring anything.

I am supposedly supposed to get my letter of admisssion/dismission from St. Joseph's (a.k.a Catholic School for BoyFriend-less teenagers). And come on. If I go to an all girls school what's the chance of me EVER getting a boyfriend???? Like, none. Let me tell you. And the boys at St. John Bosco's are all pastey kds who play violins in band. From what I've seen. Though my mom has a student who went to St.J.B.'s and he has a nosering, tattoos up and down his legs and arms, rides a motorcycle and has very nice hair. So there is hope. Alix and I are just worried that there won't be ANY people there who are relatively attractive AND listen to good music. One cannot date a prep, you know. I would die. Though I'm sure Alix's mom would not let her date anyone with tattos OR a nosering, those really are only acceptable. And nice shoes.

But they will all probably be moron jock/prep/nerd/every other bad thing you can think of boys who would just be frightened and/or repulsed by us. People tend to dislike the fact that I listen to Rancid and wear all black, like a million stretchy bracelets that are all little skull beads, and have a huge leather cuff with a big metal faceplate and a Jack Skellington head for a watch. And girls like those I saw at the admissions test thing look they would not like a girl who thinks black nail polish and liberty spikes are really sexy. They were all blond-highlighted and Aeropostale-ed. So there you go. And I bet they all listen to crap bands.

The prospect of going to a school like that is so daunting....I can't really put it into words. But there would be a lot of fun chances to scare people, I suppose and that's always cool right? Hey, and then I bet you anything that mom would let me dye my hair black b/c I couldn't dye it magenta or blue or green. And I would of course have to go into the firt day with my skull backpack and band patches. That would be highly amusing. Highly. And I would actually be more individual at a school where everyone is the same than if I went to an arts school.

But there is the whole lacks of hot guys problem...

But, then again, there is a Hot Topic/Torrid like just a few blocks away. And a big ol Tower Records.

So there's a way to spend absolutely every cent for four years.

But still. Hot Topic keeps getting overpopulated by preppy people who still think Avril is "so punk rawk!!! (giggle)" {and thus, they should all burn in poser hell....}. But it's the only place that sells good clothes that fit me AND there are hot guys.

So maybe if Alix and I hang out there enough we could meet normal people. (Normal as far as our standards).

Poor Alix. She has been forbidden to be anything but good catholic schoolgirl.

She only knows the music (sort of....her concept of what things are is somewhat off....okay like a lot....but you get my point) because of me. And it was I who gave her my other heavily studded belt and a new pair of chucks for her birthday.

Sigh. She is still under the disillusion that GC is very punk and fails to comprehend that they are pop-punk despite my fervent efforts to teach her. And, hell, don't get me wrong, I love GC, but I know what they are. (Very hot.....Billy.......I love you..............)

So anyway. More on The Saint Lesbian's School later. I don't want to think about it now. Just listen to Sugarcult and Jimmy Eat World and Autopilot Off and The Riddlin Kids and Gob.

Yeah, that sounds good.

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