2004-03-07 . 9:55 p.m.

I want apple cinnamon waffles. And to have internet radio professionally installed into my brain. That would rule.

I came here with something to write but I can't remember what it was. So obviously it must have been very profound and meaningful. (I'm pretty sure it didn't have anything to do with music or waffles though, so you're probably safe).

I need hobbies. Real ones. Something besides sitting on my ass in front of my computer (which will probably result in some strange form of radiation and kill me, I do it so much) and obsessively seeking new music. Those, I believe, really don't coun't as hobbies. Just forms of escapicism and procrastination (big words! yea!).

But those are the only things that I want to do. And if I wanted to do anything else, it would be with lots of music. Music blasting. Silence is very grating at the moment. And I cannot abide a second without music (real music~ not the shit they play at my school) that I've givel up socialization in general and just sit next to Chelsea and Amanda at luch and we all listen to our headphones for the whole forty five so minutes. That is more fun that listening to the senseless babblings of my peers anyday. I don't want to go and be social. I don't want to go ride. i don't want to go be a drama freak. I want to listen to music and study music and learn about music and play music and associate myself in every way with it.

But I can't.

Because they won't let me.

But, then again, it really isn't the healthiest of lifestyles is it.

Oh, who gives a shit? That sounds a hundred times better than what anyone here does.

Damn it. I still want waffles.

hey wait....I think I own this song.....Yeah, i think I do.....who's it by.......the exies......hmmmm.....right. I remember now. "My Godess.".....Why do I own this song....??


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