2004-03-06 . 7:29 p.m.

Quotes of the Week:

"I'm hungry. But I have batteries." --Chelsea

"The way to solve all of your problems is to eat Cherry Garcia popscicles and listen to green day. Green Day makes the whole world better by saying fuck a lot. Who doesn't want that???"--E. Hamilton

"Be like the squirrel, girl. Be like the squirrel."--If you don't know, damn you.

"They called you emo? EMO??!!!! You are SO NOT EMO!!!!!!!!!!! Emo people express their emotions. You- the only emotion you ever express is irritation. And anger."--Amanda

"Ohmigawd!!! I bet you have some creepy disease!"- Kirsten

"Are you trying to kill me?"--Ruth

"One of us is gonna come out seriously injured...And it won't be me."--Jordan

"One by one the penguins steal my sanity."--Christian

"Are those socks on your arms?"--Cameron

"There's cussing? Fuck! I hate it when people cuss! Shit...that's aweful." --galen

"She said fuck! Let's have a party!"--Yvette

"Hee hee.....he's shoul get with him...cuz.....he' lot." Susan on the subject Vince

" (loud peppy voice) You are like soooo goth. Like dark and w/e! I wanna be like that! You are the Queen of Mean, Lizz. That's sooo cool!"--Lonisha


"Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Put them in lots of baskets."--Mrs. Barryte

"But what if you only have one egg?"--Tiffany

"Then get another chicken." --me

"Before our honeymoon, I was a man. She was a woman. But not anymore."--Nick

"Serenade me darling!"--Millie

"Dammit! Why couldn't I have been born like twenty years older??? Cuz what's his name from the Cure is (was) SO HOT! He like shook my hand once....This hand....Right here....I almost died......"--Amanda

"Her grades aren't great, but she's a nice kid. She always tries."--Ms. Radovic on....Me

"Hi Lizz."--Vince (that was the best one by far...)

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