2004-02-28 . 10:37 p.m.

Ugh. So exhausted. And I'm all wet (not suprising considering that I DID just take a shower....) Today, I did absolutely NOTHING. Except ride Diamond who was as per usual ~aweful~ and spazzed on the road like four thousand times. But, on the plus, we are (supposedly) gonna go get my CDs 2morrow and have Grandma pay for them (cuz I'm broke of course).

I feel really shitty. Don't know why. At least I'm not constantly hungry like I was before. Though my apetite hasn't gotten any less strange. This morning I had a cheesburger for breakfast and toast and scrabled eggs for lunch. And I didn't eat dinner- just tortilla chips. But I think its a lack of new music that has made me feel physically ill.

This morning, mom got mad at me. Again. We were driving from office max and I asked her where we were going next. She sain "Home." I said "Fuuuuun. What a full and intersting day I've had." She got really mad "I don't know what kind of exciting lives other people have Elizabeth! What do you expect your life to be?!"

More than what it is. Duh.

Oh, thank you Milena for (FINALLY) writing in your diary, even if you did it in a very irritating fashion.

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